Are you saddled with credit card debt? Looking for ways to pay it off quickly? Credit card debt often comes with high interest payments, making it more difficult to chip away at the principal amount that you owe. In this article, we will explore seven smart ways to pay off your credit card debt faster.
Tip #1: Use the Avalanche Method
Prioritize paying off the credit card with the highest interest rate while making minimum payments on the other credit cards. This may help you get rid of your highest-interest payments in the future and accelerate debt repayment. No matter which debt repayment method you pick, consistency is key. Make sure you stick with your chosen method long enough to see results.
Tip #2: Pay More Than the Minimum
Always pay more than the minimum amount on your credit card(s). Otherwise, you will never make progress on the principal amount that you owe. Even an extra $20-$50 per month could help you make a dent in the debt more quickly.
Tip #3: Consider Debt Consolidation
You may potentially take out a personal loan to consolidate your different debts at a lower interest rate or transfer your balances to a credit card with a lower interest rate. This may help reduce your stress levels as you will only be dealing with one debt at a time, instead of multiple different creditors and debts, each with a unique set of demands.
Tip #4: Use the Snowball Method
Pay off the smallest credit card balance first. This may help you see progress more quickly, which may have a beneficial psychological effect, motivating you to tackle larger debts. Maintain consistency, and you may see the results you desire more quickly.
Tip #5: Reduce Unnecessary Expenses
Reduce your pleasure spending e.g. dining out or subscriptions and direct those funds toward paying off your credit card debt. While everyone needs a certain amount of pleasure spending in their life, reviewing your expenses can help you make more judicious decisions when it comes to allocating your monthly income.
Tip #6: Take Advantage of Windfalls
If you experience a sudden influx of funds, such as a tax refund, apply it to your credit card balance instead of spending it on frivolous pleasures. This will help you make progress more quickly and get rid of your most pressing financial obligations before you allocate any of that windfall to temporary pleasures.
Tip #7: Automate Payments
Have you ever missed a payment due date? It can be a very stressful experience to go through. Automating payments can help ensure that you do not miss any payment due dates ever again. By not missing any payment due dates, you may make progress more steadily and pay down your debt more quickly.
Credit card debt can be an expensive way to cover your expenses. If you need to close a gap in your monthly cashflow, consider applying for a personal loan online via OntarioCASH. We don’t check your credit score or credit report during our quick and easy online application process. To stay on top of your credit score, sign up for Credit Verify! You will be able to monitor your credit score and automatically detect errors on your credit report.